Social Media Tips

5 Reasons Why you need a Facebook for Business Account Now

Having a Facebook for Business account is the next best thing you can do for your business. Although when it comes to networking, Twitter and Instagram are the places to be, You should also be using Instagram for business. Most young internet users flock to these social media networks to make friends, post photos, and keep up with the news.

 Facebook for Business Account
Facebook for business

Facebook, however, is unique. It is much larger in scope than other social networks, Facebook is universal. It caters to a diverse audience across all age and social groups. Moreover, it offers a variety of features. For instance, instead of contacting a cybersecurity consulting staffing agency, you can now even list job postings on Facebook if you have a large audience! Therefore, Facebook has now evolved into an all-purpose network.

Businesses can especially benefit from Facebook. These days, it is common to come across many ads while scrolling through the app. This is because brands use their Facebook for Business account to reach a wider audience. If you run a business, here are some ways having a Facebook for Business account can help you promote your business.

Benefits of a Facebook for Business Account

  1. It gurantees a massive outreach due to the number for facebook users.
  2. It is cost-effective.
  3. It can help optimise your business online search result.
  4. It increases engagement with customers and clients.
  5. It can improve your brand awareness.

A Facebook for Business Account Guarantees Massive Outreach

With over 2.74 billion monthly users, Facebook is the perfect place to market your brand. If you maintain a Facebook for Business account page, you can easily amass a diverse following. People of all ages now have a Facebook profile.

You will also find people across all social classes present on Facebook. This means you have a very large pool of potential clients for your business. This is because people now spend the majority of their days online.


You can build a comprehensive marketing strategy based on Facebook alone. Compared to other ways of marketing, you will save a lot of money.

With Facebook ads, you can market your business in a very precise manner. For example, you can launch an ad that will only appear to women between the ages of 18 to 30 in a specific area.

This way, you will target your investment towards your ideal audience. By doing this, you ensure maximum benefit.

Meanwhile, marketing/advertising your business through traditional means such as TV or billboard may not be as productive and may result in a waste of funds. You may get more viewers for your ad, but the majority of them wouldn’t be your target audience. So, you would have fewer returns on your investment.

Search Engine Optimization

If your business has a Facebook page, it will be optimized for online searches such as google, edge, or Safari. When any user types your business name in a search engine bar, your business will appear on the first page of search results. This is because Facebook profiles are listed near the start of search engine results. Therefore, your Facebook page will help direct your customers to your website and stores. This will lead to greater sales.

If the name you used on your Facebook for Business account page is different from the name of your website, you won’t benefit from this search engine optimisation. If you don’t know how to change your Facebook Business page name, you can read this article on how to change your name on Facebook.

Feedback and Engagement

Of course, a social media website like Facebook is ideal for socializing. Since Facebook allows all its users to interact with posts through comments and reactions, you can stay in contact with your customers.

By engaging with their comments, you can answer their queries and get valuable feedback. This will make your audience feel connected to you as a brand. Similarly, you can use Facebook to address customers’ queries through messages.

On Facebook’s Messenger feature, you can even automate responses! Hence, your prompt customer service will leave your audience satisfied. You don’t need to have a dedicated mobile phone for your Facebook Business account messenger messages. You can easily login to messenger without app

Moreover, you can determine the success of your marketing campaigns through Facebook. By analyzing the reactions to your posts, you will know what your audience likes. Through this, you can adapt and improve your brand.

Increase Brand Awareness with a Facebook for Business Account

A presence on Facebook is a sure way to increase your brand awareness. While scrolling through their social media, people absorb all they see. If they come across your posts regularly, they will remember your brand. Therefore, they will always think of you when they need to buy something.

Facebook is also an ideal platform to relay information. TV and print ads are limited by space and time constraints. However, you have full control over your Facebook page or Facebook group. Hence, you can give detailed information about your business to your audience.

Moreover, you can do it in multiple ways! You can write long descriptions, post pictures, and even long videos! There is lots of room for creativity.

Additionally, Facebook is the ideal platform to inform your customers about the latest sales and offers. Also, your Facebook page will easily lead them to your store or website. This will greatly impact your sales. You can get all this advertising/marketing for free on Facebook.

If you don’t have a Facebook Business account yet, you are missing out on a very high return marketing opportunity. Be sure to create one for your business no matter how small or big your business is.

How to Make Facebook for Business Page

 Facebook for Business Account
How to Make Facebook for Business Page
  1. Go to
  2. Tap Create a page on the home page.
  3. Enter your business name in the Page name tab.
  4. Choose a suitable category for your page.
  5. Enter a brief description of what your business is about.
  6. Tap Create Page.
  7. You can add more details to your Facebook Business account page.

Facebook Page for Business Cost

It is completely free of charge to create a Facebook for Business account page. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by creating one. The only time you may need to pay for anything on Facebook is if you want to Create an Ad to get more Facebook users to be aware of your business brand.

Facebook for Business Chat

Not so long ago, Facebook launched a new business inbox in Messenger to help businesses respond to messages from their customers. This feature is quite easy to use. You can toggle between your personal and business accounts in the Facebook Messenger app.

You can create automated responses for those that might want to send you a message on Facebook. There are default messages which you can customise.

Facebook for Business Sign Up

Anyone with a Facebook account can create a Facebook for Business account page. You don’t need to sign up anywhere else. You can either use the method above to Create a Facebook page or follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone/Android phone.
  2. Click on the hamburger menu icon at the top right corner on your Facebook app.
  3. Scroll down until you see Pages with a flag icon.
  4. Tap Pages and then tap Create with the plus sign.
  5. Tap Get Started at the bottom of your phone
  6. Follwo the instructions from page to page.

Facebook Business Name Change

 Facebook for Business Account
Facebook for business Name Change
  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone/Android phone
  2. Click on the hamburger menu icon at the top right corner on your Facebook app
  3. Scroll down until you see Pages with a flag icon.
  4. Tap your Page name to open it
  5. Tap the settings icon at the top right corner.
  6. Next, click Page info and then click your Page’s name to edit the name.
  7. Enter a new page name and then click outside the page name box.
  8. Review the new Page name and then tap Request Change to save the changes.

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