Software Tips

How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive 2022

Hey guys! in this article, I will show you the step-by-step guide on how to remove quick access from google drive. Google Drive is a file storage service that’s really fantastic, you can easily save documents, pictures, and videos from Facebook, Instagram, and other apps to save your phone’s memory space.

A few years ago, Google introduced a new feature in Google drive that makes it very easy to access files you have recently opened or edited. These “Quick Access” files are displayed at the top of the Google Drive page.

How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive on PC

Please follow these steps on how to remove quick access from Google Drive, you can jump to the second step if you know how to access Google Drive;

1. First, access your Google Drive page by clicking on the Google apps icon on your Gmail account.

How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive
How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive

2. When you have opened your Google drive page, click on the gear icon at the top right corner of the page, and then click on Settings.

How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive
How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive

3. Under General settings, scroll to the bottom and untick the box for “Make relevant files handy when you need them in Suggested” next to Suggestions.

How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive
How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive

4. Tap Done to close the pop-up page. These are really the only steps you need to follow to learn how to remove Quick Access from Google Drive.

How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive on Android

If you use an android phone, you would find that your Google Drive home screen has your files/documents listed in “quick access” format under the Suggestions tab. This is because Quick Access has now become the Home tab for Google Drive app on Android phones and there is currently no way to turn it off or disable it.

You may want to send a feedback to Google requesting them to enable the Quick Access option on the Google Drive app, maybe if many people send the feedback they’ll consider enabling it :).

1. On your Android mobile phone, open the Google Drive app.

2. Tap the hamburger icon at the top left corner of the app and then tap Help and Feedback.

3. Next, tap Send Feedback. This will open an email box with your email already inserted in the From box.

4. Simply write a brief message to Google explaining exactly what you want them to do.

5. Click Send Feedback when you are done.

How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive on iOS

1. Open the Google Drive app on your Apple phone and then click on the “List” icon at the top left corner of your screen.

2. Next, tap the Gear settings icon.

3. Scroll down until you find Enable Quick Access option and turn the option off.

How to Remove Quick Access Files From Google Drive

If you want to remove a File from Quick Acesss and not turn off the feature completely please follow the steps below;

1. First, access your Google Drive page by clicking on the Google apps icon on your Gmail account.

How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive
How to Remove Quick Access From Google Drive

2. Next, right click on the file you want to remove from Google Drive, scroll down until you see Remove, tap it and the file will be deleted from Quick Access.

Can you Remove Quick Access from Google Drive

Some users find the “Quick Access” feature extremely useful because it helps them gain access to files or documents that they know they have recently opened or edited. They can easily just open the file at the top of their google drive page and not have to scroll through lots of documents or do a search.

For some others, they will rather not have the Quick Access feature at the top of the google drive page. The most probable reason could be to prevent it from taking up space on the Google drive home page.

I have read some people say they don’t like “Quick Access” on Google Drive because they feel their files can easily be read which will be a breach of privacy. This is especially true on the Google Drive mobile app. Your documents can easily be read if you are maybe in a meeting and you have to share your screen.

These are the ways you can remove Quick Access from Google Drive, you might also want to check out this article on How to join a Zoom Meeting.

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