Social Media Tips

How to Delete HelloTalk Account, 2 Simple Ways, 2022.

In this article, I will share how to delete HelloTalk account. HelloTalk is a platform where you can learn a language for free by chatting with native speakers around the world. You can also explore new cultures, and make friends around the world on HelloTalk.

How to Delete HelloTalk Account 
How to Delete HelloTalk Account 

HelloTalk is not a dating site like eHarmony or Match. It’s more of a site where native speakers teach you their language, while you teach them yours. You can use HelloTalk to practice over 150+ languages.

How to Delete HelloTalk Account

  1. Log into your HelloTalk account on the web or HelloTalk App
  2. Tap the ME icon at the bottom right side of your app.
  3. This should open your Profile page
  4. Now scroll down find and tap Settings from the menu.
  5. In the Settings Page tap Account.
  6. Next, Tap on the link DELETE ACCOUNTlocated at the bottom middle section of the ACCOUNT page.
  7. Follow the step by step procedure to permanently delete your account.

How to delete HelloTalk Account via email

How to Delete HelloTalk Account
How to Delete HelloTalk Account
  1. You can reach HelloTalk support by sending an email to their support team
  2. Open your email that’s registered with your Hellotalk account
  3. Compose an email stating you’d like to delete your account.
  4. Provide your personal details for easy identification.
  5. You’ll get a response from the support team letting you know your request has been completed.

Is Hellotalk a dating app?

How to Delete HelloTalk Account
How to Delete HelloTalk Account

HelloTalk is not a dating app, it’s an app for learning a new language, you get to chat with native speakers of any language available on the platform that you might be interested in learning.

How much does the premium version of HelloTalk cost?

You don’t have to pay to use HelloTalk, but you will be inundated with ads. You will need to pay $6.99 per month to use HelloTalk premium ad-free version, it costs $45.99 for an annual fee and $175 for a lifetime membership.

What are some advantages in using HelloTalk?

  1. HelloTalk provides the opportunity to practice speaking without feeling embarrassed.
  2. It allows you to find language partners near you.
  3. You will have access to In-chat translation and transliteration options.
  4. It also provides opportunity to develop a friendship with language partners.

Is HelloTalk a safe app?

HelloTalk is relatively safe to use, it has some strict rules about what can be posted/shared on the platform, and you can easily be blocked if you are found abusing or breaking the site rules.

Can people see your email on HelloTalk?

You can choose what information you want to share on HelloTalk, you can hide your email and other personal information from your profile viewers.

Who created HelloTalk?

HelloTalk was created by Sash Dothraki. HelloTalk is a peer-to-peer language-learning messaging app that has 30 million registered users around the world.

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